About The Dakshit Global Trust
Dakshit Global Trust Promote Human Rights, Fundamental Freedom. To Work with special Concentration Child & Women Welfare.
Our Mission
We are destined to support the needy rural communities with adequate care, protection, rehabilitation support with innovative service initiatives to alleviate their lives economically, socially, culturally and health wise.
In order to realize our vision, we have adopted the following mission objectives:
Our Vision
Help children for their education, and help widow to run her household well is our mission. In our thinking, all needy should get help on time so they can make their life better and give their helping hand to the society. This way we can do our social duty with grace and kindness.
Our Story
How We Got Started
There deed of trust of DAKSHIT GLOBAL TRUST is decleared on this 11th march,2020 , Hereinafter Callled the “SETTLER” of this Above Said Trust.
Become a Volunteer Today
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We’ve Raised over $400,000 to Help Homeless Children Around the World