Environment Protection
Environmental issues like deforestation, increasing global warming, water scarcity, pollution etc have caught national attention calling for immediate action. It is imperative to encourage people from different societies and communities to participate in developing environmental safety measures, as active agents and spread awareness among people to make their nearby surroundings safe and clean to enjoy safer, cleaner and more prosperous future.
Dakshit Global Trust undertakes a number of green initiatives and at the same time also take a lead in creating awareness on environmental issues through various campaigns to bring in a sense of responsibility among the citizens.
Our regular activities of aw areness building and involving the communities in hygiene and environmental protection drives/campaigns are one among the many activities that we carry out the operational areas. The major impact of such programmes lies not in organizing them but involving the people of the community to resolve their problems relating to clean environment within the area they live in. Certain activities like building toilets, drainage around the houses, solving water logging problems in the area etc are some of the issues that are generally focused and resolved with the effective participation of the people of the community. Dakshit Global Trust Environment Education Center is an initiative by the organization to implement and impart education on green practices.
The center has paper recycling unit, herbal plants, air purifying plants, pot making, manure making, eco-bricks, fish pond and organic farming. The center also promotes the usage of jute products through green shopper campaign. Through its intervention, Dakshit Global Trust is constantly making efforts to protect the environment and instil green values among people.