Youth & Skill Developmet
Myriad of issues are hindering the mobilization of youth for skill development. These encompass low literacy level, inability to pay for trainings, lack of awareness, lack of employers’ endorsements among others. Therefore, innovative and multiple ways are required to address these concerns simultaneously. Dakshit Global Trust equips youth with skills and knowledge they need, to grow up and move out of poverty. Skill development programmes by Dakshit Global Trust strive to make youth work ready through technical and vocational training, build their life skills involving personal competencies, problem-solving and managing conflicts, entrepreneurship, and related skills for long term success in the workplace. Apart from vocational training, programmes are organized on personality development and life skills to build their self esteem and self confidence and develop their abilities to take the responsibility of themselves and society around them. The goal of Dakshit Global Trust through the initiative of youth and skill development is to support youth to achieve improved economic, physical and social well-being, and become catalysts for positive change in their families, community, and country.