A roof over their heads is a critical need of the elder who is destitute, sick, and abandoned by disasters.


Old Age Homes

A roof over their heads is a critical need of the elder who are destitute, sick and abandoned by family and those uprooted by disasters. Help Age India has established model homes for the senior citizens and aged in places such as Patiala & Gurdaspur in Punjab, Cuddalore in Tamil Nadu and Kolkata in West Bengal. Help Age supports 300 old age homes and runs 5 barrier homes for the aged in India
The following services are provided at the Old Age Homes which are as under: Free boarding/lodging at the state run Old Age Homes for free seats. Medical care & Counseling. Recreational facilities and Rehabilitation programme

What is the basic difference between an old age home and a senior care home ?

One Step Elder Care Solution

Nowadays an old parent staying in an old age home is quite a common phenomenon. But when given a thought is that even desirable? Most elderly people cannot connect with the idea of living in old age homes. Their children might want them to live happily, in peace and preferably in a place where they have always lived, that is their own homes But in this digital age, aged parents have often left alone while their children go aboard to live and work. So, the next logical step they come out with is to put their old parents in an old age home. Although there is nothing fundamentally wrong with staying in an old age home, it does offend their emotional sensibilities.
While parents prefer to live in their own home and this is always more desirable, there are a few advantages of old parents living in an old age home.

  • With age, people often lose motor functions and performing day to day activities becomes a tiring task. In an old age home, the association can help them with daily activities. Also, an alternative to this is having a dedicated caregiver in senior home care who can help with the everyday chores. And if an in-home caregiver is appointed it can help them around their house.
  • Since old age homes or senior care home are for senior citizens, doctors are always at hand and emergency services are available 24×7. Moreover, the elderly should have someone with them who can schedule appointments with doctors and go with them to the chamber. It is good to have a person who can take care of hospitalization in case of a medical emergency.
  • For senior citizens, safety is always an issue. The steady security provided by the old age home or senior home care gives them protection from intruders and help them to live a safe and secure life.
  • One of the major factors that make old age homes attractive to elders is the companionship. They can be in the constant company of the people of their own age. In case their children are away from home, they have to live alone and that can cause extreme stress and depression. It is often seen that living in an old age home give rise to the feelings of abandonment as well. Loneliness is a quite bigger issue. In an ideal situation, there should be a companion at home who can fill this void. Companionship is even more important for those who have lost their spouses.

Senior Care Home

Another option for old aged people are senior care home facility. These facilities are often designed to provide supported living and care. These services generally accommodate people with a broad range of needs. Much like old age home, senior home care facilities provide round the clock emergency care to ensure that residents have all of the resources they need.
Senior Home Care is quite ideal for someone who is unable to live independently. If daily activities like personal maintenance and feeding require assistance, then aged care facilities can aptly meet these needs.
Senior Home Care facilities are traditionally smaller in size compared to old age home and generally, fees cover all the expenses of care including meals and accommodations. Few other additional services and amenities may also be covered, for instance, newspaper delivery. It is quite common that meals are usually scheduled throughout the day providing a more structured atmosphere for residents. This gives seniors who have difficulty with daily self-management a way to meet their daily needs in a supportive environment.
Senior Home Care can give those who actually need daily care a comfortable, safe, and active environment for years to come. So, in the end, the decision is yours whether senior home care is more appropriate for your loved one or not.

Advantages & Disadvantages Of Old Age Homes

An old parent staying in an old age home is a common enough phenomenon. But is it desirable? Most elderly people cannot reconcile themselves to the idea of living in old age homes. We, their children, want them to live happily, in peace and preferably in the one place where they have always lived – their own homes. But this is the digital age. Aged parents are often left alone while their children go abroad to live and work. So, the next logical step is to put an old father or mother in an old age home. While there is nothing fundamentally wrong with staying in an old age home, it does offend sensibilities.

While living in one’s own home is always more desirable, there are a few advantages of an aged parent living in an old age home.

  • With advancing age, people often lose motor functions. Performing day to day activities becomes a daunting task. In an old age home, the association helps with daily activities. An alternative to this is having a dedicated caregiver who can help with the everyday chores around the house.
  • Since old age homes are for senior citizens, doctors are always at hand and emergency services are available 24×7. Alternately, the elderly should have someone with them who can schedule appointments with doctors and go with them to the chamber. In case of a medical emergency, it’s good to have a person who can take care of hospitalisation.
  • Safety is definitely an issue for senior citizens. The steady security in an old age home gives them protection from intruders and helps them live a safe and secure life.
  • One of the factors that make old age homes attractive to elders is the companionship. They are in constant company of people their own age. If their children are away from home, they have to live alone and that can cause stress and depression. Living in an old age home may give rise to feelings of abandonment as well. Loneliness is also an issue. Ideally, there should be a companion at home who can fill this void. Companionship is paramount, especially for those who have lost their spouses.

There are two sides to every coin. Let us now look at some of the disadvantages of living in an old age home.

  • Services cost money. Consequently, old age homes can be expensive; the higher the cost the better the services. Mostly, elderly people are pensioners or they get money from their children. They don’t have a lot of money to spend and there are medical bills to pay. This is one of the primary challenges.
  • There is limited choice in an old age home when it comes to living space and choice in food. It is like community living and there is lack of privacy. It is not the same as living in one’s own home.
  • The atmosphere in an old age home is impersonal. Living there does not have that personal dimension to it. This could give rise to emotional problems like depression because your beloved parents may miss their relatives, children and grand children.

All things considered, while there are definite advantages of the elderly living in old age homes, there is no substitute for a full and happy life at home. There are services these days that can take care of their every need, at home. They not only help the elderly with support services but also with recreation like taking them for an outing or simply staying at home and playing a word game.

TriBeca Care helps with all the services that the elderly require, in their own home. This way, they don’t have to leave home and can still live a hassle free and full life. Our elder care plans are meant for those staying alone while their children live abroad. Trained geriatric care managers give them companionship and emergency support services at their own home, whenever they need them. This is a better and a more viable option both for elderly parents and their children

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